Friday 30 November 2012

HANDROID, Robot Hand by ITK

Last Sunday at Hyper Japan Xmas 2012 showcasing their pioneering innovations Japanese engineering company ITK ( had us all in awe. The star of the show was the HANDROID - a robotic hand

The show was very interesting and inspirational. It gave us a glimpse into a future where the HANDROID could be used not only in dangerous engineering environments but also as a prosthetic hand controllable by brain waves and cerebral nerves. And that would be so helpful to so many people. I am all for it. :)

What makes this HANDROID different from other robotic hands, is that it can move all five fingers and lift small objects like a human hand. And it looks amazing!

HANDROID is remotely operable, lightweight, durable and has a fluid motion. After the show visitors were given the opportunity to try it out, and of course I wanted to give it a go.

There are two ways of operating the robot hand; one being by glove controller and other just by positioning your hand directly above a motion detector, like that used for XBox. I have tried the latter one.

Till next time...
Kiss Kiss Girly-G

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